Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 weeks...mixed emotions

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant! 30 WEEKS!! It's so hard to believe. For so long it seemed like the end was so far away, and now it is only 10 weeks away. I am such a mix of emotions. I'm so ready for little Nolan to be here. I am ready to see his precious little face. I want to see what his little nose will look like(I love baby noses). I want to kiss the little spot between his eyes. I can't wait to see if he has curly or straight hair. will it be brown or another color? Will he be a little chunk or long and lean? What will his personality be like? There is so much to wonder about and look forward to. So many good things are about to come in such a short time.
But while I am so ready for these wonderful things, I can't help but be very sad that I will no longer be pregnant in ten weeks. I have loved pregnancy! Are there uncomfortable moments? yes. Are there days when I just feel fat? yes! Yet with all of the uncomfortable, fat, just can't move like I used to moments...I have absolutely adored this stage of life. Feeling little kicks, jabs, rolling,and just knowing I have a precious baby growing inside of me have been so awesome. I have actually liked my stomach growing bigger to accommodate for a growing baby.
Before I became pregnant, I thought of pregnancy as something that I would just have to endure to get the prize of having a little one. Now I see how much of a gift God has given women to be able to bear children. I have had 30 weeks to become so in love with a little person that I haven't even met yet.
So...while I am so ready to see him, I will be sad for this stage to be gone. Good thing I will be able to experience pregnancy again! Not for a while, but one day.

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