Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's a BIG one!

Never in my life would I have thought I would have so many thoughts, conversations, and concerns over poop. Yes I said it, POOP! Having a baby has made this a very big part of my everyday life. Things like...Was it a big or small one? What was the consistency? What color was it? How long ago was the last one? Is this normal? Did you know they actually have a picture baby poop guide online, and I would happen to know this because I have viewed it once or twice.

My Friday nights used to look like this: going out to eat with friends, walking around the Quarter, watching a move. You know, cool grown-up things like that. Last Friday night it consisted of me talking about ways to make my little man poop. Oh yes...he had been stopped up for a couple of days, and I was worried. So I started looking up ways to make your baby poop. So what did the girls and I do? We did the bicycle with Nolan, rubbed his stomach, and even gave him a bath. All of this in hopes of poo!

Last night was even better. After Nolan's 3 o'clock feeding I changed him, and YAY there was poop. Not just any poop, but the green pasty kind that take multiple wet wipes to clean. Normally I would be grossed out, but considering the way bowel movements have been going I was excited. Yes, excited! As I am wiping him, he decides to let loose again. Hey, this is good. We are getting back to the normal looking stuff. I wait till he's done, wipe him all up, and put a new diaper on him. I am fastening it, and I hear it. You know the sound! Yes, he's pooing in the new diaper. Seriously little dude, you didn't even wear it a minute! Oh well, at least I know he isn't stopped up. I decide to put diaper rash cream on because I don't want him to actually get a rash, and as I am applying guess what? Yes, you probably guessed right, more poop. How in the world can they poop so much at one time?!?!

Boy do things change with a baby! The funniest thing is I wouldn't change my poop filled world for anything:)